23.5 Player profile: Oni Juujirou p. 92-93


Oni Juujirou

While his true strength equals that of Byoudouin, he remained at the training camp to raise the camp standards. He’s a leading figure towards his juniors and fosters a bond with the middle schoolers. In a match he becomes a hero that slays the opponent like a demon.

“Let’s have fun together”

U17WC Japanese Representative 3HSer
Birthday: 26/10 (Scorpio)
Blood group: O
Family: Grandmother, Mother, Little sister
Hobby: Playing guitar, Making stuffed toys
Favorite phrase: The demon’s iron club (means: To be invincible)
Favorite color: Red
Favorite food: Ginkgo nuts
Favorite book: Picture books, children books
Favorite type: Someone who likes children
Favorite Date spot: Free market
Most wanted thing right now: A new cage for his hamster
Bad at: Crying children
Skills outside of tennis: Crocheting stuffed toys
Daily habit during the camp: Watering the flowers at the Japanese representatives lodge.

Length: 187 cm
Weight: 83 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Skills: Black Jack knife, Ten balls hit, Tenimuhou no Kiwami
Playstyle:  All Rounder
Racket: Fischer Magnetic Tour 100
Shoes: Head ad, apt_1105.t (A0555)

He can freely manipulate the likes of “Ten balls hit” and Tenimuhou no Kiwami”, the amount of hidden potential he has is unknown. Captain Byoudouin places his trust in him as one of the most stable representatives.
(TL note: He has the best sense of stability, mostly referring to his mental instead of physical balance I gather)


A framework that supports the Japanese representatives with his experience!
Contrary to his harsh appearance, his heart is filled with consideration for his environment. For the sake of Japan becoming the world’s No.1, he appears to put in great efforts, and on the other hand, appears to be a great leader. That chivalrous spirit attracts a lot of people.
(TL notes: lit. Attracts a lot of attention of people who idolize him)

He says a single word to Tokugawa after his loss, which shows his kindness and consideration towards his juniors.
The battle against Byoudouin where they were evenly matched. Despite their different beliefs, they are worthy opponents that mutually encourage each other.
By playing this match, he recalled once again that playing tennis is fun, and has high hopes of Kintarou. He supports naturally and passionately.
Stuffed toys are essential to see the children beam with happiness,

In his heart is a sweltering heat! A fierce god resurrects to obtain the world!!
(TL note: Demon god/Fierce god)

Belongings inspection by Momoshiro Takeshi
Travel bag

A lot of Australian sweets
I saw you buying a lot of sweets during Christmas. It’s a present for the children huh.

Tenipedia: Nakagauchi
I got arrested by the police and questioned cause of that bastard

That bastard tempted me and I was just getting into it… Oni, you’ll better pay your debts without fail.

Messages to Oni!

Duke: I heard you could keep up with the death struggle against the head. I wish I could’ve seen it with my own eyes.

Tooyama Kintarou: The match I had with old man Oni was super fun!  Promise you’ll play me again!

Shishido Ryou: When I saw the two of them glaring at eachother in the elevator I was surprised. The impact of the highschoolers is amazing…

Pleasant backstreet boy: Become Japan’s number 1 player and then come play with us again! 
(TL note: Happy lane boy? It’s a good kid.)

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